Saturday, 25 April 2015

How to Track a Penguin from Space

This may be one of the more bizarre facts so far on this blog. Penguins always attract public attention, even if they are not voiced by Elijah Wood, and now people from space are interested in following penguin activity for certain reasons. No this is not the oddest and most poorly planned alien invasion ever, it is for environmental purposes. 
Previously the method involved tagging their flippers but the massive increase in mortality rate caused them to call that plan off. Their was a great (or mildly important) need to track penguin populations in a safer way. The answer came in the form of what they left behind, from their behind. The way that penguins excrete, or crap for non-literates, is in streaks. The pressure under which it leaves the body is four times more than that of a human so it really shoots out of them in the crudest of terms. It travels up to 30 centermeters away from their body.
The method tracks their numbers and movement without the penguins knowing that they are being watched or even the slightest interference with their daily lives. A pretty good result from a crap idea.

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